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Home Engineer Program - Fort Benning Army Base

Home & Business Electric Charging Station Installation & Maintenance - Fort Benning Army Base

Home & Business Electric Charging Station Installation & Maintenance - Fort Benning Army Base


Drone Training & Repair - Fort Benning Army Base

Camera Installation

Surveillance & Camera Installation - Fort Benning Army Base

Smart Home Services

Smart Home Services - - Fort Benning Army Base

Computer & Smart Electronics Repair

Computer & Smart Electronics Repair - - Fort Benning Army Base

Digital Water Testing
Appliance Repair

Appliance Repair - Fort Benning Army Base

Softskill Training

Soft Skills Training - Fort Benning Army Base

Our Missions

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Our Veteran-managed, HUBZone-Certified, Community Development Corporation's mission is to create training centers on military bases across the United States. 

Our veterans will receive hands-on training with the latest technologies and access to training accommodations to ensure that our mission succeeds. Our team consists of veterans whose priority is to assist and train our oncoming veterans and soldiers to enhance and support their success and the security of their family's economic stability.

These brave men and women made the following promise:

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So, help me, God."


In this same spirit, our mission is to provide these men and women with an opportunity for economic and self-development with our premier partners such as Amazon, Lowe's, Office Depot, Gi-Techs, and other Fortune 100 companies who intend to provide their customers with exceptional services at the hands of these outstanding individuals.

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Training for today and tomorrow

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The Future

Our goal is to create a campus explicitly focused on veterans and active-duty personnel. Once complete, this campus will now provide training and accommodations for thousands of veterans and active duty per year. 

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Home Engineer

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Home: Testimonial

Bus Camera Integration class was awesome. Class lasted two weeks and I was on Marta installation of trains and buses the following week.

Byron Ingol . United States Army . VHBS

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Contact Us

Veterans Training & Empowerment Center (VTEC)



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